Footprints without Feet Class 10 English Summary

Footprints without Feet Class 10 English Summary is given below. By reading through the prose detailed summary, CBSE Class 10 students will be able to understand the chapter easily. Once the students finished reading the summary they can easily answer any questions related to the chapter. Students can also refer to CBSE Class 10 English Prose Summary notes – Footprints without Feet for their revision during the exam.

CBSE Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Summary

Footprints without Feet Summary in both english and hindi is available here. This article starts with a discussion about the author and then explains the chapter in short and detailed fashion. Ultimately, the article ends with some difficult words and their meanings.

Footprints without Feet – About the Author

Herbert George Wells was born on 21 Sept. 1866 in England. He was a great writer who wrote novels, history and science fiction. The most famous works of H.G. Wells are The Time Machine, The Invisible Man and The Island of Doctor Moreau. He died on 13 August 1946. 

Short Summary of Footprints without Feet

The story Footprints without Feet describes the story of a brilliant scientist, Griffin, who degenerated himself into a lawless person. Griffin discovered that the human body could become transparent and invisible. But he misused his great discovery. He did not use the power of invisibility for the welfare of society and humanity at large. He misused it to threaten, trouble and beat innocent people and rob them. He made illegal entries in stores and shops and stole things from there. He committed a burglary in a clergyman’s house in Iping. Griffin remained invisible or unseen only when he was without clothes. If he puts on clothes, he lost his invisibility and could be seen by the people around him. The lesson gives a message that misuse of science and its great discoveries can make even a brilliant scientist like Griffin a monster and a threatening lawless person. 

Summary of Footprints without Feet in English

Griffin was a brilliant scientist. He carried on experiments for years to prove that human body could become invisible. He swallowed certain rare drugs and became an invisible person. He had a quarrel with his landlord. In revenge, he set fire to the house. He removed his clothes, became invisible and got away without being seen. He began to wander about the streets of London, without clothes, without money and invisible.

He happened to be in some mud. As a result, his footprints were left behind as he walked. Two boys were fascinated by the footprints without feet. They followed the foot-marks. However, Griffin easily dodged them.

It was mid-winter. The air was bitterly cold and he was without clothes. When the cold became unbearable, he slipped into a big London store. When the store was closed, he broke open boxes and found warm clothes for himself. On wearing them, he became a visible person. He found cold meat and coffee in the kitchen. Then he took sweets and wine. At last, he slept on a pile of quilts. When he woke up the next morning, the assistants had already arrived, he got nervous and began to run. They chased him. Then he quickly took off his clothes, became invisible and escaped from there.

This time he entered a theatre company. He made his way upstairs. Nobody could see him because he was invisible. A little later when he came out, he was wearing bandages round his forehead, dark glasses, false nose, big bushy six whiskers and a large hat. He attacked the shopkeeper from behind and robbed him of all that he could find.

Griffin was eager to get away from crowded London. He went to the village of Iping and booked two rooms at a local inn. His uncommon appearance attracted everybody’s attention. Mrs. Hall, the landlord’s wife made every possible effort to be friendly with him. But he told her frankly that he had come there to work in solitude and did not want to be disturbed. She was satisfied. She thought he was an eccentric scientist. Moreover, he had paid the rent in advance. When his stolen money was spent, he admitted that he had no ready cash. He said that he was expecting a cheque and then he would make the payment. Thus, he satisfied the landlord.

Griffin took off his clothes and became invisible. He entered the clergyman’s home with an intention to steal money from there. The clergyman and his wife woke up when they heard noises in the studyroom. The clergyman entered the room with a poker in his hand. To his surprise the room appeared to be empty. He and his wife searched everywhere, but there was no trace of the burglar. Yet the desk had been opened and the money had been stolen.

That morning the landlord and his wife got up early. They were surprised to find the scientist’s door wide open, because it was usually shut and locked and he did not allow anybody to enter his room. When they entered the room, they found the scientist missing. The clothes and bandages, that he always wore, were lying in the room. In the meantime, the invisible scientist entered the room. He attacked Mrs. Hall with the bedroom chair. She and her husband left the room in terror.

Mrs. Hall was convinced that the room was haunted by spirits. She held the strange scientist responsible for that. The neighbours felt that the trouble was caused by witchcraft. When they came to know of the burglary at the clergyman’s home, they suspected the strange scientist. Their suspicion was strengthened when he suddenly produced some ready cash because only a day before, he had admitted that he had no money.

They secretly sent for the village constable. When Mrs. Hall saw the scientist emerging from his empty room, she demanded explanation. The scientist became furious. He threw off his bandages, whiskers, spectacles and false nose. The space above his shoulders was now empty. The people in the bar were horrified to see a headless man.

In the meantime, Mr. Jaffers, the constable, arrived there. He was surprised to find that he had to arrest a headless man. He tried to get hold of the man who was becoming invisible. The constable was struggling with someone whom he could not see at all. Some people who tried to assist him also received blows from the invisible scientist. The constable was knocked unconscious. Griffin had shaken himself free. In their nervousness, people tried to hold him, but they did not know from where to catch him.

Moral of Footprints without Feet

The story tells us the human nature of misusing their own discoveries.

Summary of Footprints without Feet in Hindi

ग्रिफिन नामक वैज्ञानिक के बारे में यह काफी रोचक कहानी है। वह ऐसे तरीके खोज रहा था जो किसी आदमी को अदृश्य बना सके। उन्हें अपने प्रयोग में सफलता मिली, एक ऐसा सूत्र, जिसके साथ वह अदृश्य हो सकते हैं, लेकिन उन्हें शारीरिक रूप से छुआ और महसूस किया जा सकता है। ग्रिफिन ने दवा खाई और अदृश्य हो गई।

उसने गलती से कीचड़ में कदम रखा और पहली बार दो युवकों ने देखा, जो उसके पैरों के निशान का पालन करते थे जब तक कि वह बेहोश नहीं हो जाता। वह सड़कों पर चल रहा था और ठंड महसूस कर रहा था, इसलिए वह गर्मी महसूस करने के लिए एक शॉपिंग सेंटर में प्रवेश करता है। दुकानों के बंद होने के बाद, वह कुछ आरामदायक वस्त्र पहनने और कुछ खाने का विकल्प चुनता है।

वह शुरू में एक-दो कपड़ों को उतारता है और उन्हें पहनता है। एक कैफे की रसोई से उस बिंदु पर, वह ठंडा मांस और कुछ एस्प्रेसो खाता है। बाद में उन्होंने एक दुकान में रजाई के ढेर पर सोने का फैसला किया। अगली सुबह उठने से पहले उसने देखा कि कुछ दुकानदार उसके पीछे आने लगे थे। उसने तुरंत सारे कपड़े उतार दिए और एक बार फिर अदृश्य हो गया। अब वह लंदन के सर्द मौसम में बिना कपड़ों के भटक रहा है।

फिर उसने एक थिएटर कंपनी से कपड़े लेने का फैसला किया क्योंकि उसे यकीन था कि उसे अपना चेहरा ढंकने के लिए भी कुछ मिलेगा। उन्होंने अपने चेहरे को ढकने के लिए सुस्त चश्मा, फर्जी नाक और टोपी और कुछ पट्टियाँ चुराई हैं। फिर, वह एक दुकानदार के यहाँ जाता है और उसके सारे पैसे चुरा लेता है। जल्द ही उन्हें पता चलता है कि लंदन इस तरह से रहने के लिए काफी व्यस्त जगह है, इसलिए उन्होंने इपिंग गांव जाने का सोचा।

उसने गाँव के एक होटल में दो कमरे बुक किए और वहाँ पहुँच गया। यह ग्रामीणों के लिए काफी असामान्य है कि इस तरह के अजीब दिखने वाले एक बाहरी व्यक्ति पूरे सर्दियों में एक होटल में रहने के लिए आया है। कुछ समय बाद उसका पैसा खत्म हो गया और वह लोगों से चोरी करने लगा। इसके अलावा, उसने मालिक और उसकी पत्नी को मारा जब वे उसकी अनुपस्थिति में उसके कमरे की जांच करने का प्रयास करते थे।

जैसा कि वे किसी को नहीं देख सकते हैं कि मालिकों को लगता है कि सराय में आत्माएं थीं और इसके लिए असामान्य अतिथि जिम्मेदार है। उस बिंदु पर, शहर के कांस्टेबल से अनुरोध किया जाता है कि वह अपनी पहचान के संबंध में पूछताछ करे और उसने अपनी साज सज्जा के लिए क्या किया। इससे वह नाराज हो गया और उसने अपनी पहचान को बिना सिर के आदमी के रूप में दिखाने का फैसला किया। वे ग्रिफिन को नहीं पकड़ सकते क्योंकि वह अपने सारे वस्त्र उतार देता है और अदृश्य हो जाता है।

Difficult Words and their Meanings

Imprints = impressions(छाप – चिन्ह ); gazed = looked fixedly (ध्यान से देखा ); remarkable = strange (अजीव – विलछड ); descending = coming down (नीचे आते हुए ); progressing = moving ahead (आगे बढ़ते हुए ); fascinated = attracted (आकर्षित हुए ); faint = dim, light  (हल्का मद्द्यम );altogether = completely (पूरी तरह ); explanation = reason (कारण ); mystery = secret (रहस्य ); bewildered = confused (परेशान ); transparent = through which light can pass (पारदर्शी ); carried out = did, conducted (किया ); invisible = that which cannot be seen (अदृश्य ); swallowed = ate without chewing (निगला ); 

rare = not often seen (दुर्लभ ); drug = medicine (दवा – औषधि ); solid = not in liquid or gaseous form (ठोस ); brilliant= talented (प्रतिभाशाली ); lawless = not caring for law (स्वेच्छाचारी ); eject = to force someone out (जवरदस्ती निकालना ); revenge = vindictive feeling  (बदला ) Adventures = risky activities(जोखिम भरे काम ); by no means = not at all (बिलकुल नहीं ); bitterly = excessive (बहुत अधिक ); warmth = heat (गर्मी ); regard = concern (चिंता ); expense = spending of money (खर्च )  ; wrappers = paper covers (कागज के कवर ); settled down = laid comfortably (आराम से लेट गया ); managed = succeeded in  (सफल होना ) Panicked = be afraid, confused (डर जाना , घवरा जाना ); gave chase = followed  (पीछा किया ); chill = very cold (बहुत ठंडक ); stock = store (भण्डार); space = room (स्थान ); 

shivering = trembling (काँपना )  ; side-whiskers = beard (दाढ़ी ); callously = without mercy (निर्दयता से )  ; arrival = reaching (पहुंचना ); appearance = outer form (बाहरी रूप ); effort = attempt ( प्रयत्न ); solitude = loneliness (अकेलापन ); disturbed = hindered (रुकावट डालना ); satisfied = contented (संतुस्ट )  ; eccentrical = whimsical (सनकी ); excuse = ignore (उपेच्छा करना , माफ़ करना ); irritable = easily annoyed (चिढ़चिढ़ा ); temper = nature (स्वभाव ); presently = soon (शीघ्र ही इस समय )  ; shortly = soon (शीघ्र )  ; curious = strange (विचित्र )  ; 

episode = event (घटना )  ; occurred = happened (घटित हुआ )  ; clergyman = priest (पादरी )  ; chink = sound of coins (पैसो की खनक )  ; poker = rod for poking fire  (कुरेदनी ); grasped = held firmly (कसकर पकड़ा )  ; firmly = steadily (मजबूती से ) ; surrender = submit (हार मानना ) 
Amazement = surprise(हैरानी ); affair = matter (मामला ); furious = very angry (बहुत गुस्से में ); investigate = examine ( पड़ताल करना ); still = more (और अधिक ); sniff = act of sniffing ( नाक से साँस लेना ); bedpost = leg or stand of bed ( विस्तर का पाया ); terror = fear ( डर ); slam = shut forcefully ( जोर से बंद करना ); 

extraordinary = unusual ( असाधारण ); convinced = sure ( विस्वास होना ); haunted = visited by ghosts ( भूतहा ); spirit = ghost ( भूत , आत्मा )  ; moaned = cried with pain ( कराहा ); witchcraft = sorcery ( जादू -टोना )  ; burglary = theft (चोरी); suspected = doubted (संदेह हुआ )  ; suspicion = feeling of doubt ( शक ) Quick tempered = short tempered( चिढ़चिढ़ा ); horrified = frightened ( डरा हुआ ); prevented = hindered, stopped ( रोका ); warrant = written official order (वारंट ); garment = clothing (कपड़ा ); struggling = fighting ( संघर्ष करते हुए ) Knocked = hit or striked(प्रहार ); unconscious = fainted ( बेहोश ); nervous = agitated, confused  ( उत्तेजित , परेशान)