Amanda Class 10 English Poem Summary

Amanda Class 10 English Poem Summary is given below. By reading through the poem detailed summary, CBSE Class 10 students will be able to understand the chapter easily. Once the students finished reading the summary they can easily answer any questions related to the chapter. Students can also refer to CBSE Class 10 English Poem summary notes – Amanda for their revision during the exam.

CBSE Class 10 English Poem Amanda Summary

Amanda summary in both english and hindi is available here. This article starts with a discussion about the author and then explains the chapter in short and detailed fashion. Ultimately, the article ends with some difficult words and their meanings.

Amanda – About the Author

Robin Mc Maugh Klein is an Australian author of books for children. She was born on 28th February 1936 in New South Wales and now resides near Melbourne. She had her first short story published at the age of sixteen. Several of her books have been listed for CBCA Children’s Book of the Year Award. Hating Alison Ashley”Halfway Across the Galaxy’, ‘turn left’ and ‘Boss of the Pool ‘are some of her famous writings. 

Short Summary of Amanda

This article is about Amanda summary. Its poet is Robin Klein. The poem focuses on the upbringing of a small child, whose name is Amanda. It focuses on the struggles which a child is facing. Poet Robin Klein makes the important point that the children should never be deprived of their freedom. However, it is the parents who are responsible for the proper upbringing of their child.

But that should not make the children feel imprisoned. Here, Amanda is ready to be acceptable by society, and this training wants her freedom to be cut short. Her imagination is not given sufficient space, and therefore it is making her annoyed. This annoyance is making her desire even to be an orphan. This continuous annoying was making her moody too much. Hence, the whole trajectory of this poem is something with which we are all very much familiar.

Summary of Amanda in English

Amanda is getting instructed, most probably by her parents for not biting her nails and for sitting lazily with her shoulders bent. The tone of instructions here is not a friendly one and thus fails to make any sense to Amanda.

Amanda uses her imagination as an escape point from day to day commands of her parents. She finds peace in her own created world where there are no restrains. She imagines herself to be a joyful mermaid sailing without any confines alongside soft waves of the green sea.

Amanda is now being asked about whether she had finished her homework, or had made her room tidy and also whether she had cleaned her shoes. These set of instructions mark a shift from the instructions given in stanza. Her name is being called again with an exclamation mark which shows that the parents seem to be losing their cool and are troubled.

Amanda is again lost into her own world. After getting a fresh list of instructions from her parents, she wishes to be away from this daily routine life. Amanda perceives herself as an orphan roaming on the streets, moving aimlessly without any purpose. She seems happy as she draws patterns using her bare feet.

Amanda is stopped by her parents from eating a chocolate as previously it caused her acne. Amanda is still lost in her own thoughts and doesn’t care enough to look up to her scolding parents. This carelessness further angers the parents and they ask for her attention when she is being scolded.

Amanda is still lost in her own dreams. She pictures herself to be the long golden-haired Rapunzel who lived in a castle and had no care about anything. Amanda imagines that the life of Rapunzel must have been very peaceful and fantastic in the tower. But she is unwilling to let her hair down. She only wants to live by herself as the presence of another being in her life would require her to act in a certain way. Amanda wanted to live free and happy.

The parents keep instructing Amanda on the do’s and don’ts, but Amanda remains lost in her own dreams. The parents believe that Amanda is not reacting because she is annoyed. Her behaviour has made her parents look bad and they get worried about their image. They are concerned about how society will perceive them if their child always remains in a foul mood.

Summary of Amanda in Hindi

यह कविता एक छोटी लड़की के दिमाग की स्थिति को व्यक्त करती है, जिसे लगातार उसकी माँ द्वारा करने और न करने के बारे में निर्देश दिया जाता है। अमांडा नाम की लड़की और उसकी माँ जो गलतियों के लिए उसे परेशान कर रहे हैं। उसकी माँ उसे कंधे न उठाने और सीधे बैठने की हिदायत देती थी। उसकी माँ उसे अपना होमवर्क खत्म करने की याद दिलाती है। छोटी लड़की अमांडा खुले में जीवन की स्वतंत्रता के बारे में सपने देखती रहती है।

उसकी माँ को भी लगता है कि वह बहुत सुस्त तरीके से बैठी है। इसके लिए, अमांडा हल्के हरे समुद्र में स्वतंत्र रूप से और खुशी से तैरते हुए मत्स्यांगना के रूप में कल्पना करती है। वह सुंदर हरे समुद्र में एक शांत और आराम से जीवन जीना चाहता है। इसके अलावा उसकी माँ ने अमांडा को उसके सपनों से बाहर निकाल कर पूछा कि क्या वह अपने कमरे और जूतों की सफाई करती है या नहीं।

अमांडा की एक और दिवास्वप्न है जिसमें वह खुद को अनाथ भटकने, स्वर्ण मौन और निर्बाध स्वतंत्रता में नंगे पैर के रूप में कल्पना करती है। वह कहती है कि उसने रेत पर अपने नंगे पैर के पैटर्न बनाकर अपनी स्वतंत्रता का आनंद लिया होगा। वह एक शांतिपूर्ण जीवन जीते। उसकी माँ की घिनौनी शिकायतें उसका दिवास्वप्न तोड़ देती हैं। मां ने अमांडा को अपने मुहांसों और फुंसियों के कारण चॉकलेट नहीं खाने के लिए मना किया था। जब वह उससे बात कर रही होती है तो वह उसे नहीं देखने के लिए उसे डांटती है।

अमांडा एक और सपने का आनंद ले रही है कि अब वह खुद को रॅपन्ज़ेल के रूप में कल्पना करती है, जो एक परी कथा का एक चरित्र है और शांति से एक विशाल टॉवर में उसकी तरह रहना चाहती है। उसका सपना है कि वह रॅपन्ज़ेल की तरह अपने बालों को टॉवर से नीचे नहीं जाने देगी। टॉवर में, वह अकेली और शांतिपूर्ण जीवन जीएगी। वह कभी भी किसी को टावर पर नहीं आने देगी। अंत में, माँ उसे मूडी होने के लिए मना करती है।

लेकिन वह नहीं चाहती कि कोई भी उसे यह महसूस कराए कि वह उसकी बेटी को परेशान कर रहा है। इस समय कवि ने अमांडा की तरफ से कोई प्रतिक्रिया नहीं लिखी है। लगातार हो रही इस छेड़खानी ने उसे इतना परेशान कर दिया है कि उसने खुद को किसी और की तरह सपने देखना भी बंद कर दिया है। अपने माता-पिता के निरंतर उत्पीड़न और प्रभुत्व से बचने के लिए वह हमेशा यही कोशिश करती है