The Hundred Dresses Part 2 Class 10 English Summary
The Hundred Dresses Part 2 Class 10 English First Flight Summary is given below. By reading through the prose detailed summary, CBSE Class 10 students will be able to understand the chapter easily. Once the students finished reading the summary they can easily answer any questions related to the chapter. Students can also refer to CBSE Class 10 English Prose Summary notes – The Hundred Dresses Part 2 for their revision during the exam.
CBSE Class 10 English The Hundred Dresses Part 2 Summary
The Hundred Dresses Part 2 Summary in both english and hindi is available here. This article starts with a discussion about the author and then explains the chapter in short and detailed fashion. Ultimately, the article ends with some difficult words and their meanings.
The Hundred Dresses Part 2 – About the Author
Eleanor Estes (May 1906-July 15, 1988) was an American children’s author and a children’s librarian. Her book, ‘Ginger Pyre’ won the Newbery Medal. Eleanor based the story ‘The Hundred Dresses’ on her real-life experience as the girl who received Peggy’s hand-me-down dresses.
Short Summary of The Hundred Dresses Part 2
On this Lesson, the author teaches us a lesson not to hurt anybody’s feelings. All the girls in the school made fun of Wanda, a Polish girl. As a result, she left the school. Then the feeling of repentance arose among the students who teased Wanda. Peggy and Maddie even go to her house to stop her from leaving that place but they could not meet her as she had already left. They write a letter to her accepting their fault. Wanda sends a letter to Miss Mason on the eve of Christmas. She greets everybody ‘Merry Christmas’ and gives them the gifts of her paintings.
Summary of The Hundred Dresses Part 2 in English
Miss Mason received a letter from Wanda’s father. She read it for the class. Wanda’s father had informed Miss Mason that Wanda would not come to the school any more. They were moving to big city where nobody would ask Wanda about her funny name.
The entire class got tensed and they felt bad about Wanda. Maddie could not concentrate on her studies. She had a sick feeling. She felt that she was a coward and never stopped Peggy from making fun of Wanda. She wanted to meet Wanda and say that she had not meant to hurt her feelings. She made up her mind to go to her house and tell Wanda that she had won the contest and her hundred dresses were beautiful.
When school was dismissed Peggy and Maddie went to Boggins Heights. On the way Peggy said that she never called Wanda a foreigner or made fun of her name. She never thought that Wanda had the sense to know they were making fun of her.
Peggy thought that Wanda was too dumb. Maddie said nothing. She just wanted to meet Wanda and tell her that they were sorry for their rude treatment. She wanted to request her not to move away. Both the girls found her house but could not meet Wanda as her family had already left the place.
They came back. Peggy tried to defend her behavior by saying that if she had not asked Wanda about her dresses she would not have got the ideas for her drawings. But Maddie was not satisfied. She could not sleep that night.
Now Maddie decided that she would not keep quiet if someone teased anybody about their funny names. Even if it meant losing Peggy’s friendship. She had no way of making things right with Wanda, but now she would never make anybody else that unhappy again.
On Saturday, both Peggy and Maddie wrote a friendly letter to Wanda telling her that she had won the contest. They signed it with lots of X’s for love and mailed to Boggins Heights. Days passed but there was no answer from Wanda. Peggy had begun to forget the whole business and Maddie put herself to sleep at night making speeches about Wanda.
It was Christmas time when Miss Mason received a letter from Wanda. Wanda had written that the girls could keep those hundred dresses because in her new house she had hundred new ones. She had gifted special drawings to Peggy and Maddie. They accepted the drawings and pinned them in their bedrooms.
Maddie was missing her too much. Tears blurred her eyes and she gazed for a long time at the picture. She found that the face in the drawing looked like her. She was excited to see that Wanda had made that drawing specially for her. She ran to Peggy’s house and saw her drawing too.
Peggy was also happy to see that the face and head of the drawing looked like her. Peggy consoled herself by saying that Wanda really liked them. Maddie agreed and blinked away the tears that come every time she thought of Wanda Petronski.
Conclusion of the Hundred Dresses – II
This story is giving a message about the racial discrimination society. It is one of the ills of our society which has an adverse impact on the people.
Summary of The Hundred Dresses Part 2 in Hindi
पाठ की शुरुआत वांडा के पिता से प्राप्त एक पत्र से होती है। यह पत्र स्कूल को एक बड़े शहर में जाने के उनके निर्णय के बारे में सूचित कर रहा था। क्योंकि कोई भी वांडा को उसके असामान्य नाम के साथ-साथ उसकी उपस्थिति के लिए नहीं छेड़ता। शिक्षक के माध्यम से पत्र की सामग्री जानने के बाद पूरी कक्षा सदमे में थी। और उन्हें वांडा के प्रति उनकी अपमानजनक टिप्पणियों और रवैये का एहसास हुआ।
मैडी को इतना बुरा लगा कि वह कायर है और उसने कभी भी पेगी को वांडा का मजाक बनाने से नहीं रोका। यही कारण है कि वह तथ्यों को जानने के बाद अपनी पढ़ाई पर ध्यान क्यों नहीं दे पाती है। वह अपने रुख को स्पष्ट करने के लिए वांडा से मिलना चाहती थी कि उसे कभी भी उसकी भावनाओं को ठेस पहुंचाने का मतलब नहीं था। इसलिए, उसने अपने घर जाने का मन बनाया और उसे यह भी बताया कि उसने पुरस्कार जीत लिया है। जब स्कूल मैडी और पेगी के ऊपर था, तो दोनों उससे मिलने के लिए बोगिन्स हाइट में वांडा के निवास पर गए।
लेकिन उस तारीख तक, लड़की, वांडा और उसका परिवार पहले ही वहां से चले गए थे। लिहाजा, उनकी यात्रा फलदायी रही। फिर दोनों लड़कियों ने वांडा को एक दोस्ताना पत्र लिखकर उसे बताया कि उसने प्रतियोगिता जीत ली है। लेकिन कई दिनों के बाद भी वांडा की ओर से कोई जवाब नहीं आया। यह क्रिसमस का समय था जब मिस मेसन को वांडा से एक पत्र मिला। वांडा ने एक पत्र लिखा था और सभी लड़कियों को मेरी क्रिसमस की शुभकामना दी थी। इसके अलावा, उसने लिखा है कि लड़कियां उन सौ पोशाकें रख सकती हैं क्योंकि उनके नए घर में उनके पास सौ नए कपड़े होंगे। उन्होंने पैगी और मैडी को सभी विशेष चित्र भेंट किए। उन्होंने स्वीकार किया और उन्हें अपने बेडरूम में पिन किया।
मैडी ने तस्वीर पर बहुत देर तक टकटकी लगाई और पाया कि ड्राइंग में अंकित उसका अपना चेहरा जैसा दिख रहा था। फिर वह अपनी ड्राइंग देखने के लिए पैगी के घर भाग गई। ड्राइंग में समान पाकर पैगी भी खुश थी। पैगी ने खुद को सांत्वना दी है कि वांडा वास्तव में उन्हें पसंद करेगा। मैडी इस सब से सहमत है और वांडा पेट्रोन्स्की के बारे में सोचते ही आंसू बह निकले। कहानी में बहुत सारे उदाहरण हैं जो दिखाते हैं कि नस्लवाद सामाजिक और व्यक्तिगत जीवन को कैसे प्रभावित करता है। यह कहानी लोगों को इस तरह के भेदभाव के बारे में एहसास और महसूस करवा रही है।
यह कहानी नस्लीय भेदभाव वाले समाज के बारे में एक संदेश दे रही है। यह हमारे समाज की बीमारियों में से एक है जिसका लोगों पर प्रतिकूल प्रभाव पड़ता है।
Difficult words and their Meanings
Circling = moving round (आसपास घूमना); thoughtfully = thinking deeply (गहरा सोचना); shuffling = making sound of feet while walking (चलते समय पैरों से आवाज करना); tense = serious (गंभीर), deliberately = intentionally (जान-बूझकर); Indicated = showed (दिखाया); listened closely = heard attentively (ध्यान से सुना); holler = cry loudly (जोर-से चीखना); Pollack = a word suggesting anger (गुस्सा दर्शाने वाला शब्द; plenty = enough (काफी); unfamiliar = unacquainted (अपरिचित) Thoughtlessness = without thinking (बिना सोचे);
unfortunate = unlucky (अभागा); stood by = supported (सहारा दिया); coward = lacking courage (कायर); mean = with bad mentality (कमीना); stole a glance = looked secretly (चोरी से देखा) Pretended = showy (दिखावापूर्ण); casualness = carelessness (लापरवाही); glowed= became hopeful (आशावान); forbidding = bad (बुरा); drizzly = rainy (बरसात वाला); damp = wet (गीला),. dismal = sad (उदास); gruffly = roughly (कठोरता से); dumb = unfeeling (बिना भावना के); gee = exclamation of joy (खुशी की अभिव्यक्ति); wisps = pieces (टुकड़े); pathway = footpath (फुटपाथ); kittens = young ones of cats (बिल्ली के बच्चे); shabby = simple and cheap (सादा एवं सस्ता)
Make amends = patch up (समझौता करना); probably = perhaps (शायद); glowing = beautiful (सुंदर); conclusion = result (परिणाम); picking on someone = teasing someone (किसी को तंग करना) Mailed = sent by post (डाक से भेजना); defending = protecting (बचाना); tease = trouble someone (किसी को तंग करना); decorated = beautiful (सुंदर); Gifted = talented (गुणा); intently =switch attention (ध्यान से)., trimming = decorating (सजना); wreaths = garlands (मालाएँ); holly = a plant (एक पौधा); grocery = a provisions shop (किरयाने की दुकान); stacked = kept (रखा); candy = a sweet (मिठाई); cornucopias = decorative containers (सजावटी डिब्बे); shiny = bright (चमकीला); reflected = shown back (परावर्तित किया); brilliancy = brightness (चमक)