Important Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Food Where Does it Come From

Important Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Food Where Does it Come From is given in this article. The answers of these important questions is prepared by our expert teachers as per the latest NCERT book and CBSE guidelines. Practicing these questions before the exam will help students to get excellent marks in the exam. Students can also download PDF of Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Food Where Does it Come From important questions and answers from the links below.

Food Where Does it Come From Class 6 Important Questions and Answers

Below we have complied the Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Food Where Does it Come From important questions with answers. These important questions are divided into three parts. They are – Very short questions, short questions and long important question. CBSE important Questions for Class 6 Science will help to score more marks in your CBSE Board Exams.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

1. Give two examples where two or more parts of a single plant are used as food.
Answer: Mustard — seeds and leaves,
Pumpkin — fruit and flowers.

2. Name any one plant that grows in water and is eaten as food.
Answer: Lotus — Stem of lotus is eaten as food.

3. Suggest any three ways you can think of to avoid wastage of food.
Answer: (i) Avoid leaving food uneaten in meals.
(ii) “Eat to live” and not “live to eat” — excess eating should be avoided.
(iii) Raw food like pulses, grains should be stored properly.

4. Name two sugar producing plants.
Answer: (a) Sugarcane 
(b) Sugar beet.

5. Name a non-green plant that we eat.
Answer: Mushroom.

6. What do you call the habit of an individual to eat a particular type of food items commonly?
Answer: Food habit.

7. Compare your food habits with food habits of your friend who lives in Tamil Nadu.
Answer: My food habit: Chapatti, pulses, lassi, rice, vegetables, mustard oil.
Food habit of my friend: Idli, dosa, sambhar, bara, rasam, upma and coconut oil, etc.

8. What items are used to prepare cooked rice?
Answer: Raw rice and water.

9. Study the ingredients of various food items. Do they have some common food ingredients?
Answer: Yes, they have some common ingredients like: water, salt and oil or ghee.

10. What are the two common sources of most of the ingredients of food items?
Answer: (i) Plants (ii) Animals

11. Name the three products each provided by plants and animals.
Answer: Plant products: Grains, cereals and vegetables.
Animal products: Milk, egg and meat.

12. Name three edible (eatable) parts of plants.
Answer: (i) Roots (ii) Fruits (iii) Leaves

13. Which part of the plants do we eat generally?
Answer: We generally eat fruits of many plants.

14. Which type of seeds give more energy, sprouted seeds or normal seeds?
Answer: Sprouted seeds give more energy than normal seeds.

15. What is honey? 
Answer: A sweet substance (liquid) prepared by bees from the rector, i.e., sweet juice collected from flowers is called honey.

16. Where would you place human beings on the basis of food that they eat?
Answer: Omnivores.

Short Answer Type Questions

1. What is food?
Answer: The eatable substances eaten by humans and other animals to get energy for various activities for growth and development is called food.

2. Why should we eat cooked food?
Answer: We should eat cooked food because by cooking we can kill harmful germs and make it germless. Cooked food can be easily digested and absorbed by our body. Cooking also improves the taste of food.

3. Explain the importance of food for living organisms. 

Answer: Importance of food is:
(i) It provides energy to do various activities.
(ii) It helps in growth.
(iii) It helps to repair and replace damaged parts of the body.
(iv) It protects us from infections and diseases.

4.  Explain the various sources of food items and ingredients with the help of examples.
Answer:  There are mainly two sources of ingredients of various food items:
(i) Plants: Plants provide us fruits, vegetables, pulses, grains, cereals, etc.
(ii) Animals: Animals provide us milk, eggs, meat etc.

5. Define the term herbivores.
Answer: The animals which eat only plants or plant products are called herbivores. For example, cow, goat and buffalo.

6. What are carnivores? Explain with examples.
Answer: The-animals which eat other animals are called carnivores. For example, lion and tiger. Carnivores generally eat herbivores and other carnivores.

7. Define the term omnivores.
Answer: The animals which eat both the plants and animals are called omnivores. For example, cat, dog and human beings.

Long Answer Type Questions

1. Differentiate between herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Give two examples of each


Animals that eat only plants.Animals that eat flesh of
other animals.
Animals that eat both plants as well as
They depend on plants.They depend on
They depend on both.
Teeth are not sharp but
have front pointed teeth.
Teeth are sharp for
chewing and grasping the
meat, have pointed teeth.
Teeth are not sharp they
are either pointed front
Salivary glands are well
Salivary glands are not well
Salivary glands are well
Examples: Cow, Deer, etc.Examples: Lion, Tiger, etc.Examples: Human being, Crow, etc.

2. (i) Name the different parts of a banana plant that are used as food.
(ii) Animal food we get from water resources.
(iii) Four fruits which we eat as vegetables.

Answer: (i) Flower, fruit and stem of banana.
(ii) Fish, prawn, lobstar and crabes.
(iii) Fruits of tomato, brinjal, Ladyfinger (bhindi), cucumber (Loki).

3: Explain different mode of nutrition in animals.

Answer: Different animals have different feeding habit. Some eat green plans and plant products and are called herbivores like cow and deer. Some feed on flesh of other animals and are called carnivores. Like lion. Some animals eat both plants and animals and are called omnivores, like humans, rat etc.