Important Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

Important Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits is given in this article. The answers of these important questions is prepared by our expert teachers as per the latest NCERT book and CBSE guidelines. Practicing these questions before the exam will help students to get excellent marks in the exam. Students can also download PDF of Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits important questions and answers from the links below.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Important Questions and Answers

Below we have complied the Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits important questions with answers. These important questions are divided into three parts. They are – Very short questions, short questions and long important question. CBSE important Questions for Class 6 Science will help to score more marks in your CBSE Board Exams.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

1. What is the direction of flow of current in a dry cell?
Answer:  The current flows in closed circuit from +ve to -ve terminal of cell.

2. Name the +ve terminal of dry cell.
Answer: Carbon rod with a metal cap on it.

3. Name the -ve terminal of a dry cell.
Answer:  Zinc metal plate.

4. What is dry cell?
Answer:  It is a device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy.

5. What is solar cell?
Answer: A device which converts solar energy into electrical energy.

6. What is open circuit?
Answer:  An electric circuit in which electrical contact at any point is broken is called open circuit.

7. Write one use of insulators.
Answer: Insulators are used in making switchboard, handles of testers, screw drivers.

8. What is the name of thin wire in the electric bulb?
Answer: Filament.

Short Answer Type Questions

1. Mention two advantages of a dry cell.

1. It converts chemical energy into electrical energy.
2. It is light and small in size.

2. Draw a diagram showing the two terminals of a bulb.

Important Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 1

3. Draw the circuit diagram for operating a bulb with the help of a dry cell.

Important Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 2

4. Define conductors and insulators. Give one example of each.
Answer:  A conductor is that which easily allows the passage of current through it. Example: Aluminium or any metal.
An insulator is that which does not allow the passage of current through it. Example: Rubber.

5. Identify conductors and insulators from the following: Eraser, paper, matchstick, copper wire, pencil lead, polythene 
Answer: Conductors: Copper wire, pencil lead.
Insulator. Eraser, paper, matchstick, polythene.

6. Name the scientist who invented electric cell and the scientist who invented electric bulb.
Answer: Electric cell: Alessandro Volta.
Electric bulb: Thomas Alva Edison.

7. Give one activity to prove that air is an insulator.
Answer: Take an electric circuit, keep the terminals unconnected in the air. The bulb do not glow, as air is an insulator and does not allow the current to flow through it.

8. In any electric circuit, when the switch is on and the current flows through it why do the wire, switches, bulb or devices become hot?
Answer: This is because electric energy changes into heat energy.

9.The headlights of a car have reflectors behind the bulb. What is the function of reflectors?
Answer: The reflector helps in reflecting the light into a focussed area.

10.If you touch an electric wire carrying current you get a shock, but if on the same wire the birds sit they do not get any shock/current. Explain why?

Answer: When we hold the wire carrying current then the circuit is closed and the current flows from our body and enters earth but the birds sitting on the same wire do not get any current as the circuit is not complete. If the bird touches the earth wire, it will also die due to electric shock.

Long Answer Type Questions

(i) What is electric circuit?
(ii) How many types of electric circuit are there? Define them.
(iii) Draw a diagram to show the closed circuit for switch, bulb and dry cell.

Answer:  (1)The diagram that shows the path of electric current is called electric circuit.

(2) There are two types of electric circuit:
(a) Open electric circuit
(b) Closed electric circuit

(a) Open electric circuit: The circuit in which electrical contact at any point is broken is called open electric circuit.
(b) Closed electric circuit: The circuit in which electric current flows from one terminal of a cell or battery to the other is called a closed circuit.


Important Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 3

2: What is the difference between conductor and an insulator? Explain with examples.

Answer: Materials that allow electric current to pass through them are called conductors. For example: iron, copper etc. Metals are good conductors. Materials that do not allow electric current to pass through them are called insulators. For example-rubber, plastic etc.