NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Poem The Wonderful Words

Here the students can find the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Poem The Wonderful Words. The solutions contain questions, answers, explanations and images to all the questions present in the prescribed textbook of CBSE board. All the questions are solved by experts with a detailed explanation that help students to complete their assignments & homework. Students can refer to the Class 6 English NCERT solutions in order to obtain a clear idea of the type of questions that would appear in the annual exams.

Class 6 English Chapter 6 Poem The Wonderful Words Question Answer

Working with Poem

Question 1: With your partner, complete the following sentences in your own words using the ideas in the poem. 

(i) Do not let a thought shrivel and die because ____________________

Answer: Do not let a thought shrivel and die because for want of a way to say it 

(ii) English is a ____________________ with words that everyone can play. 

Answer: English is a wonderful game with words that everyone can play. 

(iii) One has to match ____________________

Answer: One has to match to the brightest thoughts in your head 

(iv) Words are the ____________________ of thought. 

Answer: Words are the food and dress of thought. 

Question 2. In groups of four discuss the following lines and their meanings. 

(i) All that you do is match the words 
To the brightest thoughts in your head 

Answer: The poet says that you only have to select words to express your thoughts present in your head 

(ii) For many of the loveliest things 
Have never yet been said 

Answer: The poet encouraged readers to convert their thoughts into words and speak them as these are loveliest things that never yet been said. 

(iii) And everyone’s longing today to hear 
Some fresh and beautiful thing 

Answer: A fresh thought or idea is always welcomed by people as everyone is waiting for it.

(iv) But only words can free a thought 
From its prison behind your eyes 

Answer: The human mind is a huge treasure where all the thoughts and ideas take birth. To express those thoughts or ideas, only words can help.

The Wonderful Words Class 6 English NCERT Questions and Answers

To understand this chapter in a better way, students can refer to the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Poem The Wonderful Words PDF while answering the textbook problems. You can download these NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English in PDF format through the links provided here.