NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Motions of the Earth

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science 6 Geography Chapter 3 Motions of the Earth contains the answers to the exercise questions. These solutions are easy and accurate that helps with the questions asked in the examinations. The Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 covers all the questions of the chapter in detail. These solutions are prepared by our subject experts in very easy language. All our Class 6 NCERT solutions are updated as per the latest CBSE Syllabus and Guidelines.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Geography Chapter 3

Question 1: Answer the following questions briefly.
(a) What is the angle of inclination of the earth’s axis with its orbital plane?
(b) Define rotation and revolution.
(c) What is a leap year?
(d) Differentiate between the Summer and Winter Solstice.
(e) What is an equinox?
(f) Why does the Southern Hemisphere experience winter and Summer Solstice in different times than that of the Northern Hemisphere?
(g) Why do the poles experience about six months day and six months night?

Answer: (a) The angle of inclination of the earth’s axis with its orbital plane is 66½ °.

(b) Rotation: The movement of the earth on its axis is known as Rotation.
Revolution: The movement of the earth around the sun in a fixed path or orbit is called Revolution.

(c) The year having 366 days is called a leap year.

(d) Summer Solstice: The position of the earth on 21st June when there is summer in Northern hemisphere regions and reverse conditions i.e. winter in Southern hemisphere. This position of the earth is called the Summer Solstice.

Winter Solstice: The position of the earth on 22nd December when there is summer in Southern hemisphere regions and reverse conditions i.e. winter season in Northern hemisphere. This position of the earth is called the Summer Solstice.


Summer SolsticeWinter Solstice
1. It is the position of the Earth when the rays of the Sun fall directly on the Tropic of Cancer.1. It is the position of the Earth when the rays of the Sun fall directly on the Tropic of Capricorn.
2. A large portion of the northern hemisphere experiences more heat and light. Hence, it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere.2. A large portion of the Southern Hemisphere gets light from the Sun. Hence, it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere.
3. In this position, the North Pole is tilted towards the Sun.3. In this position, the North Pole is tilted away from the Sun.
4. During this period, days are longer than nights in the Northern Hemisphere.4. During this period, nights are longer than days in the Northern Hemisphere.
5. It occurs on 21st June in the Northern Hemisphere.5. It occurs on 22nd December in the Northern Hemisphere.

(e) When the whole earth experience equal days and nights, it is called equinox. There are two such days i.e. 21st March and 23rd September.

(f) The Earth is spherical in shape and is keeps on revolving and it is divided into two hemispheres. When Southern hemisphere gets in front of the sun, the portion facing the sun experiences summer while the other half away from the sun experiences winter and vice versa.

(g) The poles expe1iences 6 months of days and 6 months of nights due to the tilt of the earth on its own axis. Because of this tilt each pole is tilted towards and away

from the sun for about 6 months each. When the N011h Pole is tilted towards the sun, it experiences continuous day light for six months.

Question 2: Tick the correct answer.

(a) The movement of the earth around the sun is known as
(i) Rotation
(ii) Revolution
(iii) Inclination

(b) Direct rays of the sun fall on the equator on
(i) 21 March
(ii) 21 June
(iii) 22 December

(c) Christmas is celebrated in summer in
(i) Japan
(ii) India
(iii) Australia

(d) Cycle of the seasons is caused due to
(i) Rotation
(ii) Revolution
(iii) Gravitation

Answer: (a) (ii) Revolution
(b) (i) 21 March
(c) (iii) Australia
(d) (ii) Revolution

Question 3: Fill in the blanks.

(a) A leap year has _________ number of days.

(b) The daily motion of the earth is _________

(c) The earth travels around the sun in _________ orbit.

(d) The sun’s rays fall vertically on the Tropic of ________ on 21 st June.

(e) Days are shorter during ________ season.

Answer: (a) A leap year has 366 number of days.

(b) The daily motion of the earth is rotation.

(c) The earth travels around the sun in an elliptical orbit.

(d) The sun’s rays fall vertically on the Tropic of Cancer on 21st June.

(e) Days are shorter during winter season.

Extra Questions

Very Short Answer Type Questions

1. Define the circle of illumination.

Answer: The circle that divides the day from night on the globe is known as the circle of illumination.

2. Which motion of the earth is associated with the changes in season?

Answer: Revolution.

3. Why do seasons change? [V. Imp.]

Answer: Seasons change due to the change in the position of the earth around the sun.

4. Why do the areas near the poles receive less heat?

Answer: It is because the rays of the sun are slanting on the poles.

5. When do the longest day and the shortest night occur in the Northern Hemisphere?

Answer: On 21st June.

6. In which Hemisphere does Australia lie?

Answer: Australia lies in the Southern Hemisphere.

Short Answer Type Questions

1. What would happen if the earth did not rotate? [Imp.]

Answer: In such a condition the portion of the earth facing the sun would always experience day, and thus there would be continuous warmth in the region. At the same time, the other half would always remain dark and be freezing cold all the time. These are extreme conditions which are not suitable for life. Thus, we can say that if the earth did not rotate life would not have been possible.

2. How does leap year occur? [V. Imp.]

Answer: The earth takes 36514 days Le. one year to complete one revolution around the sun. We consider a year as consisting of 365 days only and ignore six hours for our convenience. Six hours saved every year are added to make one day Le. 24 hours over a span of four years. This surplus day is added to the month of February. Thus every fourth year, February of 29 days instead of 28 days. Such a year with 366 days is called a leap year.

3. Explain the following with a diagram:
(a) Summer solstice

(b) Winter solstice
(c) Equinox.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Motions of the Earth image 1

Answer: (a) Summer solstice. The Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun on 21st June. As the rays of the sun fall directly on the Tropic of Cancer, these areas receive more heat. But the size of the area to the poles receives less heat due to the slanting rays of the sun. The North Pole is inclined towards the sun the places beyond the Arctic Circle experience continuous daylight for about six months.

Since a large area of the Northern Hemisphere is getting light from the sun, it is summer in the regions north of the equator. The longest day and the shortest night at these places occur on 21st June. These conditions are reversed in the Southern Hemisphere at this time. It is winter season there having longer nights and shorter days. This position of the earth is known as the summer solstice.

(b) Winter solstice. On 22nd December, the Tropic of Capricorn receives direct rays of the sun as the South Pole tilts towards it. As the sun’s rays fall vertically at the Tropic of Capricorn, a larger portion of the Southern Hemisphere gets light. Hence, the Southern Hemisphere enjoys summer having longer days and shorter nights. This position of the earth is called the winter solstice.

(c) On 21st March and 23rd September direct rays of the sun fall on the equator. At this position, neither of the poles is tilted towards the sun. As a result, the entire earth experiences equal days and equal nights. This phenomenon is known as an equinox.

Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 NCERT Questions and Answers

Our team works hard to keep these contents useful and up to date. We hope these solutions will help you to get good marks in the exams. For a better understanding of this chapter, you should also read the NCERT book and other resources related to Class 6 Geography Chapter 3 Motions of the Earth.