A Bicycle in Good Repair Class 7 Extra Questions and Answers

A Bicycle in Good Repair Class 7 Extra Questions & Answers are available here. Class 7 English A Bicycle in Good Repair extra questions and answers are prepared by our expert teachers. All these questions are divided into two or three sections. They are short type questions answers, long type question answers and extract based questions. Learning these questions will help you to score excellent marks in the exams.

A Bicycle in Good Repair Extra Questions and Answers

Very Short Answer Type Question

1. Who proposed the author that they should go for a bicycle ride on the following day?

Answer: One of his friends.

2. Where was the author waiting for his friend?

Answer: In the garden.

3. Who was half an hour late for the ride?

Answer: The author’s friend.

4. What did the friend say by looking at the author’s bicycle?

Answer: He said, “That’s a good looking machine of yours. How does it run?”

5. What did the friend do which the author was away looking for a hammer?

Answer: The friend look out the front wheel of the cycle.

6. How many balls did author collected that come out from the bicycle?

Answer: 16.

7. Where did the author go to find a hammer?

Answer: To the tool shed.

8. What did the author’s friend do next after he look out the front wheel?

Answer: He unscrewed something somewhere, and out rolled all over the path so little balls.

9. How much time did it take to collect the balls bearings?

Answer: Half an hour.

10. Where did the author keep the balls?

Answer: In his hat.

11. What did the friends do next after unscrewing the balls?

Answer: He took of the gear case so easily, but had a nightmare while fixing it back to its place.

12. What did the author’s friend do with the bicycle’s chain?

Answer: He lightened it till it would not move and next loosened it until was twice as loose as it was before.

13. What did the author’s friend want to do after applying his tricks on the cycle?

Answer: The author’s friend seemed to be contended and now wanted to put all the pieces back into their place.

14. What did the author find about his friend?

Answer: That his friend was inexperienced and knew nothing about repairing a bicycle.

15. In what position was the hat when the author looked for it?

Answer: It was lying topsy turvy in the middle of the path.

16. Where did the author take his friend to clean himself?

Answer: In the kitchen.

17. How did the author’s friend take out the gear case?

Answer: In an inappropriate manner.

18. In the end what was the condition of the friend?

Answer: Dirty and dishevelled.

19. What did the author do in the end?

Answer: He sent his friend home.

20. Name the author of this story?

Answer: Jerome K. Jerome.

Short Answer Type Questions

1. Why was the author happy?

Answer: The author and his friend planned to go for ride on his bicycle. So, he woke up early than usual and that made him happy.

2. How did the man react after seeing the bicycle?

Answer: The man was impressed with the looks of the machine. He then asked about its efficiency.

3. What was unusual and annoying about the man’s behaviour?

Answer: The man shook his bicycle without his permission.

4. Which was the toughest part of the bicycle that the author’s friend found the toughest to fix?

Answer: It was the gear – case that gave the author’s friend the most trouble.

5. Why could not the narrator stop the man?

Answer: The narrator was weak and couldn’t gather the strength to say no to stop the man from further damaging the machine.

6. How the author spoiled the entire day of the narrator?

Answer: The author’s friend dismantled the bicycle parts one – by – one for the entire day and then he spent the entire day fixing them at their place. Thus the day was wasted.

7. What let the man the ‘Middle one’?

Answer: The narrator was weak and he could not hurt feelings of others. So he let him muddle on with his bicycle.

8. What was the proposal of the man?

Answer: One evening the man proposed the boy for a morning cycle ride on the following day.

9. What was the complaint of the boy?

Answer: The boy complained that the cycle goes ‘a little stiffy after lunch’.

10. What did he observe when he came back from tool shed?

Answer: The boy found the man was turning the wheel of the cycle round between his fingers and other parts were lying on the ground.

11. How long did it take for both of them to collect ball – bearing?

Answer: The ball – bearing rolled down the street. It took about half an hour to collect them.

12. In what manner did he take .out the gear case?

Answer: He took out the gear case m an unprofessional manner.

13. What goes in the mind of the boy?

Answer: The boy wanted to kick the man for manhandling his machine.

14. Where was the hat lying?

Answer: The hat was lying topsy-turvy in the middle of the path.

15. Was the bicycle repaired?

Answer: No the bicycle was not repaired at all. It was totally manhandled by an inexperienced person.

16. What was the state of the man at the end of the day?

Answer: The man was dirty, bleeding, exhausted.

17. “…if not, it would make a serious difference to the machine.” What does ‘it’ refer to?

Answer: ‘It’ refers to little bull bearings, of the wheel that rolled all over the path.

18. “I got up early. For me It implies that’
(i) he was an early riser.
(ii) he was a late riser.
(iii) he got up late that morning.
Mark the correct answer.

Answer: (ii) he was a late riser.

19. The friend shook the bicycle violently. Find two or three sentences in the text which express the author’s disapproval of it.

Answer: (i) “Don’t do that; you’ll hurt it”
(ii) “It doesn’t if you don’t wobble it.”
(iii) “Don’t you trouble about it any more; You will make yourself tired.”

20. What special treatment did the chain receive?

Answer: Author’s friend tightened it to an extent that it didn’t move at all. He then loosened it until it was twice as loose as it was before.

21. Why was the author not able to stop his friend from doing machines with his bicycle?

Answer: Because the author was weak when it comes to hurting other people feeling and could not stop his friend from causing damage to the bicycle.

22. What did the author see when he came back from the tool shed?

Answer: The author came back and saw that his friend was sitting on the ground with the front wheel between his legs.

23. How did the author encourage his friend to refix the gear-case?

Answer:  The author encouraged his friend by saying that it was not only his skill that fascinates the author but also his cheery confidence in himself and his inexplicable hopefulness.

24. What did the author friend do with the bicycle chain?

Answer:  After taking off the gear case, his friend now wanted to examine the chain. He tightened the chain till it would not move and next he loosened until the chain was twice as loose as it was before.

25. How did the bicycle look in the end?

Answer:  The bicycle looked as if it also had enough of it, and had received most punishment it would have been difficult to say.

26. What was the situation when the author’s friend unscrewed something in the bicycle?

Answer: When the author’s friend unscrewed something somewhere, so little balls came out from the bicycle and rolled over the path. They growled round for half an hour, and found sixteen.

Long Answer Type Questions

1. Was the boy scared or hesitant what would you do if you have to face such problem?

Answer: The boy was happy to go for a ride on bicycle. But the man spoiled his day and damaged the bicycle. The boy observed everything silently; he should have stopped him from dismantling his bicycle. All he needed was little courage. He did not want to hurt him whereas the man kept on damaging his bicycle. The boy was not scared of anything, he was just hesitant. And if I were in his place, I would have stopped him taking advantage any further.

2. The lesson teaches a moral lesson that half knowledge is a dangerous thing. Elucidate.

Answer: The lesson is a story of a timid boy who could not hurt the feelings of a man whose adventure turned disaster. He was not a technician yet he shook the bicycle and dismantled it beyond repairs. The man should have been responsible. He should have proper knowledge of his surroundings to help others when required. He should have respected the sentiments of the body. He left the boy heartbroken, who was in mood of having a cycle ride. But his mood has spoiled.

3. ‘The bicycle had received punishment’. Who was more guilty?

Answer: The bicycle was damaged beyond repairs. The boy shares equal responsibility because it belongs to him. He should have stopped the man on the other hand, the man who knows nothing should not have taken advantage of the boy’s simplicity.

4. Did the front wheel really wobble? What is your opinion? Give a reason for your answer.
Answer: The front wheel wobbled occasionally, but it didn’t require any attention. The bicycle was in good condition and the author was pleased with it.

5. “Nothing is easier than taking off the gear-case.” Comment on or continue this sentence in the light of what actually happens.

Answer: This sentence was said in the sense that taking off the gear case was an easy task. Actually the author tried to dissuade him from taking off the gear-case by telling him that his one of the friend said that if anything went wrong with gear-case, he can sell the machine and buy a new one; it comes cheaper. But he said that nothing is easier than taking off a gear-case and author’s friend didn’t have knowledge about machine. In less than five minutes. He had the gear-case in two pieces lying on the path and was grovelling for screw.

6. Describe ‘the fight’ between the man and the machine. Find the relevant sentences in the text and write them.

Answer: On one moment the bicycle would be on the gravel path, and he on top of it. Next moment, the position would be reversed, he on the gravels path, the bicycle on him. Now he would be standing flushed with victory. The bicycle firmly fixed between his legs. But his triumph would be short-lived. After being dirty and disheveled, cut and bleeding ‘the fight between the man and the machine’ was over. The bicycle looked as if it also had enough of it.

7. How did the author say to encourage his friend to fix the gear – case?

Answer: They author said that it was fascinating to observe his friend working on the bicycle. He called his confidence as cheery and the hopefulness as inexplicable. His friend found these words to be encouraging and started re-fixing the gear – case.

8. What was the regret of the narrator regarding the ball – bearing?

Answer: Author’s friend unscrewed the ball bearings without informing him. They started rolling on the ground and then might have lost some of it there. Then the author kept them in his hat which was later blown away by the wind because of which they again lost five of those bearings.

9. Why was the man exhausted at the end? Was it justified or not.

Answer: The author’s friend was completely tired. He was soiled with oil and dirt. He was found fixing the parts of the bicycle extremely tough. He did futile effort and spoiled the setting of the bicycle to the extent that it was repairable. No his act was not justified at all.

10. Explain – ‘trust too providence’.

Answer: The man did not have knowledge of cycle repairing. He was just hit and trying everything. Because he was not sure that he could repair the bicycle, he asked the boy to have faith in powers of God.

11. Describe the day of the author and his friend?

Answer:  The author’s friend proposed him that they should go for a bicycle ride on the following day. His friend was half an hour late and the author was waiting for him in the garden. But the ride did not happen because his friend dismantled the bicycle parts one by one for the whole day and then he spent the entire day fixing the parts of the bicycle. Thus, he was completely tired, dirty and dishevelled. In the end, he sent his friend back home.

12. What did common sense continue whisper in the author’s mind?

Answer: The word that whispered, “Stop him, before he does any more mischief. You have a right to protect your own property from damage of a mad person. Take him by the scruff of the next and kick him out of the gate”. But the author was weak when it comes to hurting other people feelings and couldn’t stop his friend from causing damage to the bicycle.

13. How did the author’s friend try building the bicycle?

Answer: When the author’s friend was refixing the dismantled parts of the bicycle, he lost his temper and tried building the thing. The bicycle, I was glad to see, should spirit; and the subsequent proceedings degenerated into little else than a rough and tumble was between him and the machine.