If I Were You Summary Class 9 English Beehive
If I Were You Summary Class 9 English Beehive is given below. By reading the detailed summary, CBSE Class 9 students will be able to understand the chapter easily. Once the students finished reading the summary they can easily answer any questions related to the chapter. Students can also refer to CBSE Class 9 English Summary notes – If I Were You for their revision during the exam.
CBSE Class 9 English If I Were You Summary
If I Were You Summary in both english and hindi is available here. This article starts with a discussion about the author and then explains the chapter in short and detailed fashion. Ultimately, the article ends with some difficult words and their meanings.
About the Author – Douglas James
Douglas James (1888-1946) was a British colonial administrator, holding the posts of Governor of North Borneo, Sierra Leone, and the Leeward Islands during his career. British colonial administrator. In more languages. Spanish. In 1916, he became Secretary to Administration in “British Somaliland” a position he held until 1921.
Short Summary of If I Were You
If I Were You Summary will assist students in getting to know about this play in a simple manner. This play follows the life of a playwright who is named Gerrard. This play by Douglas James is an account of how Gerrard escapes a killer through his sheer cleverness. In this play, we see Gerrard is ready to leave for a rehearsal when he encounters an intruder. Thus, upon finding himself in a fix, Gerrard manages to convince the intruder to not kill him. We learn that the intruder was planning to assume Gerrard’s identity as the police were looking for him. Lucky for Gerrard, his cleverness and wit save him from getting killed. Gerrard not only successfully saves his own life but also catches a criminal and finds a new plot for his next play too. Thus, it is a very interesting story to read.
Summary in English
This is the story of an Intruder. He entered the house of a playwright. He, however, did not know that the owner of the house was a playwright. He only knew him as Gerrard. He had thought that he was a mystery man, lived in the wilds of Essex, did not meet people and gave his orders over the phone.
The Intruder was a criminal and was being chased by the police. He thought he resembled Gerrard so he had planned to kill Gerrard and live in that cottage by himself.
Gerrard was preparing to leave his house for a dress rehearsal. He had packed his bag with props for the drama. The Intruder threatened to kill Gerrard and told him that he intended to live in his house as Gerrard since he looked like him. He even learnt to imitate Gerrard’s voice.
The Intruder was about to shoot Gerrard. Then Gerrard warned him to be careful and not to kill him. He told the Intruder that he too was a criminal and a murderer, so the police would anyway hang him, if not as himself then as Gerrard.
Hearing this, the Intruder began to think. This was an opportunity for Gerrard to act. He asked the Intruder to run with him in his car to reach a safer place as the police were about to come there soon. He opened a door which was, in fact, a cupboard. The Intruder looked in to see what it was.
Just then, Gerrard gave him a push. The revolver fell as the Intruder stepped into the cupboard. Gerrard shut the door and picked up the revolver. Then he telephoned to call the police to arrest the Intruder.
Moral of If I Were You: To sum up, If I Were You summary, we learn that we must never be over-confident and try to be alert at all times because intellect and cool-headedness can help us go a long way.
Summary in Hindi
यह कहानी नाटककार गेरार्ड के साथ शुरू होती है, जो एक पूर्वाभ्यास में भाग लेने के लिए अपने घर को छोड़ने की तैयारी कर रहा है। फोन पर बात करने के बाद, वह अपने ट्रैवल बैग को पैक करना शुरू कर देता है जब वह अपने दाहिनी ओर से घुसपैठिए को नोटिस करता है।
जेरार्ड ने नोटिस किया कि उनके पास जेरार्ड के प्रति एक मजबूत समानता है और अपने हाथों में एक रिवॉल्वर पकड़े हुए है। इस प्रकार, वह सीखता है कि वह एक अपराधी है जो उसे हवा में हाथ डालने का निर्देश देता है। हालांकि, गेरार्ड आश्चर्यजनक रूप से एक बंदूक की नोक पर भी शांत है और उसके साथ सुखद बातचीत करता है। अंत में, घुसपैठियों ने जेरार्ड को एक कुर्सी पर बैठाया।
उनकी बातचीत सुनने के बाद, हम सीखते हैं कि जेरार्ड एक आदमी है जो अकेले रहता है और एक कार का मालिक है। यह स्पष्ट है कि वह कुछ मायनों में रहस्यमय है क्योंकि वह लगातार अंदर और बाहर है। हम देखते हैं कि जेरार्ड अपने घर पर रहता है और कुछ दिनों के लिए वहाँ नहीं रहता है।
इसके अलावा, वह केवल अपने ट्रेडमेन से मिले बिना ही फोन पर बात करता है। यह सब सीखने के बाद, हमें घुसपैठिये के बारे में भी पता चला। वह एक अपराधी है जो मुख्य रूप से एक ज्वेलरी लुटेरा है। एक पुलिसकर्मी की हत्या करने के बाद, वह पुलिस से भाग रहा है और गेरार्ड के इस समानता के कारण, वह उसे मारने की योजना बनाता है और पुलिस से छुटकारा पाने के लिए अपनी पहचान मान लेता है।
जेरार्ड ने कहा कि घुसपैठिया इतना स्मार्ट नहीं है, लेकिन केवल अति-आत्मविश्वास है। इस प्रकार, वह कुछ अजीब योजना बनाता है और घुसपैठिए से झूठ बोलता है। वह एक कहानी बनाता है कि जेरार्ड खुद भी एक अपराधी और हत्यारा है। घुसपैठिए के समान, पुलिस भी उसके पीछे है और अगर वह जेरार्ड की हत्या करता है, तो घुसपैठिया इस तरह से मारा जाएगा।
इसलिए, घुसपैठिया उसकी कहानी को मानता है और गेरार्ड उसे उस गैरेज में जाने के लिए मना लेता है जहां से वे दोनों उसकी कार में भाग सकते हैं। गेराज दरवाजा खोलने के बाद, हम सीखते हैं कि यह वास्तव में एक अलमारी थी जिसमें गेरार्ड घुसपैठिए को बंद कर देता है और अपने ठिकाने की पुलिस को सूचित करता है। इस प्रकार, हम देखते हैं कि थोड़ी सतर्कता और चतुराई ने जेरार्ड के जीवन को कैसे बचाया।