The Hundred Dresses Part 1 Class 10 English Summary

The Hundred Dresses Part 1 Class 10 English First Flight Summary is given below. By reading through the prose detailed summary, CBSE Class 10 students will be able to understand the chapter easily. Once the students finished reading the summary they can easily answer any questions related to the chapter. Students can also refer to CBSE Class 10 English Prose Summary notes – The Hundred Dresses Part 1 for their revision during the exam.

CBSE Class 10 English The Hundred Dresses Part 1 Summary

The Hundred Dresses Part 1 Summary in both english and hindi is available here. This article starts with a discussion about the author and then explains the chapter in short and detailed fashion. Ultimately, the article ends with some difficult words and their meanings.

The Hundred Dresses Part 1 – About the Author

Eleanor Estes (May 1906-July 15, 1988) was an American children’s author and a children’s librarian. Her book, ‘Ginger Pyre’ won the Newbery Medal. Eleanor based the story ‘The Hundred Dresses’ on her real-life experience as the girl who received Peggy’s hand-me-down dresses.

Short Summary of The Hundred Dresses Part 1

This is a beautiful story about a small girl Wanda by El Bsor Ester. Wanda used to go to school on foot and sit next to the last bench in one corner of her room. All the girls in her class used to make fun of her poverty and funny name. She never quarrelled with anyone. She was always calm. When a drawing competition was held in her school, Wanda took part in that competition. He made the design of one hundred dresses. All the designs were very beautiful. She was selected for the first prize. This surprised everyone very much.

Summary of The Hundred Dresses Part 1 in English

Wanda Petronski was a poor Polish girl. She lived on Boggins Heights. She joined an American school. She was different from other girls in many ways — her name was uncommon, she was a quiet girl and had no friends. She wore the same pale blue dress every day.

Wanda used to sit in the corner on the last but one seat of the classroom where noisy and rough boys, who got low marks, sat. There was a lot of dirt, mud and scuffing of feet in that area.

Peggy and Maddie were close friends. Peggy was pretty, had curly hair and wore beautiful dresses. She was the most liked girl of Wanda’s class. She often made fun of Wanda by asking her questions about her hundred dresses in a mocking, polite voice. Maddie wanted Peggy to stop teasing Wanda but she could never muster (gather) courage to tell her that. She used to feel uncomfortable of that. Perhaps it reminded her of her own poverty.

Wanda, though a quiet girl, spoke a lot about her hundred dresses. She told the girls that her dresses were made of velvet or silk. All had different colours and designs. She specially mentioned her two dresses one pale blue with coloured trimmings and the other bright, green with red sash.

Wanda’s absence from school was not noticed for two days but on the third day Peggy and Maddie who missed the fun of laughing at her, waited for her at the corner of Oliver street where they used to meet her on their way to school. But Wanda did not turn up and they got late for school.

Next day, it was drizzling. Peggy and Maddie did not wait for Wanda. They never wanted to be late for the school because they were anxious to know the result of the competition. It was to be announced that day.

As they entered their classroom, they stopped and gasped. Hundred drawings of bright and beautiful and differently designed dresses were displayed all over the room. Everyone, who entered the room, murmured with admiration.

Miss Mason announced the result. Among the boys, Jack Boggles had won and among the girls Wanda Petronski. She asked the students to give her a special applause (though she was not present to enjoy it). She had submitted hundred sketches and every sketch was worth winning the best price.

Conclusion of The Hundred Dresses – I

This story is about the matter that doesn’t mistreat anyone for being different. This story is teaching everyone that we should never make fun of the unique differences of our fellow human beings and try to accept them as they are.

Summary of The Hundred Dresses Part 1 in Hindi

यह कहानी एक लड़की वांडा पेट्रोन्स्की और उसके सहपाठियों के चारों ओर घूमती है, मुख्य रूप से पैगी और मैडलिन जो हमेशा उसका मजाक उड़ाते थे। वांडा पेट्रोन्स्की एक पोलिश आप्रवासी था, और वह अपने परिवार के साथ अमेरिका आई थी। उसने अमेरिकी छात्रों के स्कूल में प्रवेश लिया। उसके सहपाठियों ने उसका नाम अजीब पाया और शायद, कक्षा में सबसे अजीब था। इसका कारण यह है कि उन सभी के पास एक आसान और सामान्य नाम था।

वांडा गरीब था और हमेशा एक नीली नीली पोशाक पहने स्कूल आता था। वह शांत थी और हमेशा कक्षा के कोने में बैठी रहती थी। हालांकि उसने दावा किया कि उसके घर पर एक सौ कपड़े और साठ जूते थे। दो सबसे अच्छे दोस्त, पेगी और मैडी स्कूल में सबसे प्रसिद्ध लड़की थी जबकि वांडा को कोई भी नहीं जानता था। कहानी मैडी के दृष्टिकोण के बारे में है, जो दैनिक ताना और चिढ़ाने में मुख्य खिलाड़ी का सबसे अच्छा दोस्त था।

पेगी और मैडी हमेशा देर से होने पर भी स्कूल से पहले वांडा का इंतजार करते हैं। मैडी एक गरीब लड़की थी, लेकिन वह खुद इसे पसंद नहीं करती थी जब पेगी ने वांडा का मजाक उड़ाया था। उसे डर था कि वह निशाना बन सकती है। वह चाहती थी कि पेगी वांडा का मजाक न उड़ाए, लेकिन उसका सामना करने की हिम्मत नहीं जुटा सकती थी। क्योंकि उसे डर था कि वह अपनी सबसे अच्छी दोस्त खो सकती है। हालांकि, पेगी का उद्देश्य वांडा को चोट पहुंचाना नहीं था। लेकिन वह यह जानने के लिए बहुत उत्सुक थी कि वांडा को झूठ क्यों बोलना पड़ा कि उसकी अलमारी में सौ कपड़े थे।

ड्राइंग प्रतियोगिता के परिणाम के दिन एक ही सौ कपड़े के बारे में सच्चाई का पता चला। कमरे में अलग-अलग ड्रेसों का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हुए एक सौ चित्र थे, जिनमें से प्रत्येक बहुत सुंदर था। उस दिन, वह वास्तव में एक सौ पोशाक और सभी पंक्तिबद्ध थी, लेकिन कक्षा में। उस समय, पैगी और मैडी, जो अजीब थे और एक सौ कपड़े के सिद्धांत का एहसास करते थे। उन्होंने उसके साथ बुरा व्यवहार किया।

यह कहानी उस मामले के बारे में है जो अलग होने के लिए किसी के साथ दुर्व्यवहार नहीं करता है। यह कहानी हर किसी को सिखा रही है कि हमें अपने साथी मनुष्यों के अनूठे मतभेदों का कभी भी मजाक नहीं बनाना चाहिए और उन्हें वैसे ही स्वीकार करने की कोशिश करनी चाहिए जैसी वे हैं।

Difficult Words and their Meanings

Possessions = wealth/things kept (दौलत/पास रखी वस्तुएँ) ; enduring = long lasting (देर तक चलने वाली); account = detail (विस्तार); judged = assessed (मूल्यांकन किया); encyclopedia = book dealing with all branches of knowledge (विश्वकोश); immigrants = settlers in another country (प्रवासी); occurred = took place (घटित हुआ); identified = recognised (पहचाना); ethnicity = pertaining to race (जाति संबंधी); treat = behave with (व्यवहार करना); notable = famous (प्रसिद्ध); suburbs = outskirts of the city (बाहरी बस्ती); 

discriminated = made discrimination (भेदभाव किया);  census = counting of people (जनगणना) Rough = (here) indisciplined (अनुशासनहींन); scuffling of feet = creating noise by thumping shoes (पैर पटककर शोर करना); roars = cries (शोर/चीखें); on the contrary = on the other hand (इसके विपरीत); rarely = very seldom (बहुत कम); twisted = moved (हिले); crooked sort = awkward (बेढंगी); caked with = covered with (से ढकी हुई); curly hair = wavy hair (घुँघराले बाल) Faded = dim coloured (मद्दम रंग की); hang right = fit properly (सही ढंग से फिट होना ); ironed = pressed with iron (प्रेस करना); 

surrounded = encircled (दायरा बनाना); hopscotch = a kind of game (एक प्रकार का खेल); courteous = polite (विनम्र); nudge = a gentle push (हल्का – सा इशारा करना) Incredulously = showing disbelief (अविश्वास प्रकट करते हुए); velvet = a kind of cloth (मखमल); stolidly = without showing any feeling (बिना भावना के); peals of laughter = loud laughter (जोरदार हँसी); obviously = apparently (स्पष्ट रूप से); exaggerated = enhanced (बढ़ा–चढ़ाकर कहना); greeted = welcomed (स्वागत किया); inseparable = that which cannot be separated (अभिन्न); hitching = catching (पकड़ना); 

protected = saved (बचाया); bullies = those who frighten the weaker persons धोंसिया); cruel = unkind (क्रूर) Mocking = making fun of (मज़ाक उड़ाना); embarrassed = ashamed of शर्मसार होना ) exactly = correctly (सही ढंग से); invented = discovered (आविष्कार किया); teasing = bothering (परेशान करना);  absent-mindedly = without thinking much (बिना सोचे –समझे); paused = stopped (रुकी), shuddered = trembled (काँपने लगी); target = person chosen for attack (निशाना); disguise = conceal (छुपाना) 

Trimmings = ornamentation of a dress (पोशाक की सजावट); accord = wish (इच्छा); blonde hair = golden hair (सुनहरी बाल); scarcely = hardly (मुश्किल से ही); brilliant = shining (चमकता हुआ ); sash = scarf (स्कार्फ); pretended = false (झूठ); admiration = praise (तारीफ); probably = perhaps (शायद); announce = declare (घोषणा करना); drizzling = light rain (बूँदा-बाँदी) Eagerly = with eagerness (उत्सुकता से); gasped = breathed with open mouth (खुले मुँह से साँस लेना); ledge = outer part (बाहरी भाग); windowsill = lower portion of a window (खिड़की का नीचे का भाग); dazzling = shining (चमकता हुआ); 

lavish = grand (भव्य); wrapping = outer cover of something wrapped (बाहरी कवर); contest = competition (प्रतियोगिता); murmured = muttered (बुड़बुड़ाना); admiringly = in a praising manner (प्रशंसात्मक रूप से ); assembled = gathered (इकठ्ठे हुए) exhibition = on show (दिखाना); sketches = drawings (ड्राइंग) Unfortunately = unluckily (दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण); applause = praise (तारीफ); exquisite = beautiful (सुंदर); stamp = strike floor with feet (पैरों से फर्श थपथपाना); whispered = spoke in a low voice (काना – फूसी करना)

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