CBSE Class 6 Science Notes Chapter 1 Food Where Does it Come From

CBSE Class 6 Science Notes Chapter 1 Food Where Does it Come From are given below. Our notes are designed by the subject experts and are as per the NCERT guidelines. These notes include all the important points of the chapter in detailed way, so you can refer to this whenever required. Study Path provides CBSE Class 6 Science Notes Chapter 1 that are easy to understand and also free downloadable PDF format, so students can practice it for their studies and get good marks in their examinations.

Food Where Does It Come From Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 1

Food: The component that we consume, which provides nourishment to the body, is called food. 

E.g., Rice, chapati, curry, fruits, vegetables, cheese, bread, milk, curd, butter, etc. 

Ingredients: The components or materials required to prepare a food item are called as ingredients.

E.g., different types of vegetables, spices are ingredients for sambar.

Food Materials and Sources

  • Plants and animals are the two sources of our food materials
  • Milk, egg, meat, chicken, fish, prawn, beef, pork etc. are the food products that we get from animals
  • Grain, cereals, vegetables and, fruits comes from plants and plants products
  • We eat leafy vegetable, fruits, and some parts of plants like stem and roots.


We eat a variety of food. Our food is made of one or more ingredients. These ingredients contain some components, which are important for us, are called nutrients.

Types of Food

There are five major food groups:

  1. Fruits – Provides phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, roughage and are easily available. They are directly obtained from plants.
  2. Vegetables – They are obtained from plants and are high in phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals which form important constituents of our food.
  3. Dairy products – An excellent source of calcium for our bones and teeth
  4. Poultry, lean meats, fish, eggs – High in proteins and vitamins which helps in building tissues and muscles and provides immunity.
  5. Cereal, legumes- Obtained from plants, rich in high fibres.

Plant Parts and Animal Products as Food

Plant Products

  • The food products that we get from plants are called as the plant products.
  • E.g., ginger is the root of a plant that we use in cooking.

Some examples example of edible plant parts are given below:

  • Roots: beets, carrots, radishes, turnips, ginger,
  • Stems: broccoli stem, bamboo shoots, sugar cane, potato
  • Leaves: spinach, lettuce etc.
  • Fruits: apple, pear, tomatoes, grapes, cherries, oranges
  • Edible Flowers: broccoli heads, cauliflower heads
  • Seeds: sunflower seeds

Animal Products

  • The food products that we get from animals are called animal products.
  • E.g. Milk, butter, chicken, meat, honey etc.

What Do Animals Eat?

Animals can be classified into three broad categories in terms of what they eat. They are

(i) Herbivores
(ii) Carnivores, and
(iii) Omnivores.


Animals which feed on plants are called herbivores.

  • E.g., cow, goat etc.


Animals which feed on other animals are called carnivores.

E.g., lion, tiger etc


Animals which feed on both plants and other animals are called omnivores.

  • E.g., bears. They feed on flesh as well as honey

Food components

There are five major components of food namely vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. While the diet of carnivores is rich in fats and proteins, there are some necessary vitamins and minerals in plant-based foods that their diet lacks. Similarly, an all plant-based diet lacks in a good amount of protein and certain minerals.

It is important to know that there is difference between vegetarians and herbivores. While vegetarians make a conscious decision to not eat meat, herbivores on the other hand are incapable of eating meat and dairy products. Similarly, carnivores lack the necessary enzymes in their stomachs to digest cellulose which is a major component of green food like grass. 

Important Definitions

Nectar: The juicy sweet liquid secreted by within flowers which is sucked by bees and is made into honey by them

Sprouting: The process by which seeds shoot out small white structures as way of growth is called Sprouting.

Cellulose: It is a substance that is found in the cell walls of a number of plants. It is an indigestible fibre and is found in grass.

Enzymes: It is defined as a chemical substance that helps in bringing about changes to certain other substances without undergoing any changes in themselves.

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