NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 4 The Cop and the Anthem

Students those who are searching NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 4 The Cop and the Anthem can refer to this article. This chapter contains many questions that are important for exams. Here we have provided answers to all these questions with a detailed explanation that help students to complete their assignments and homework.

Class 7 English Chapter 4 The Cop and the Anthem NCERT Questions and Answers


Answer the following questions.

Question 1. What are some of the signs of approaching winter referred to in the text?

Answer: The signs of the approaching winter are the movement of birds to warm south, the woollens needed by people and the dead leaves covering the ground.

Question 2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ against each of the following.

(i) Soapy did not want to go to prison.
Answer: False

(ii) Soapy had been to prison several times.
Answer: True

(iii) It was not possible for Soapy to survive in the city through the winter.
Answer: False

(iv) Soapy hated to answer questions of a personal nature.
Answer: True

Question 3. What was Soapy’s first plan? Why did it not work?

Answer: Soapy’s first plan was to eat at an expensive restaurant and tell that he did not have money to pay for that. They would call the cops and the cops will take him to jail.

The plan did not work because the he was stopped at the door of the restaurant by the head waiter. He turned Soapy around and made him leave the place quickly and quietly.

Question 4. “But the cop’s mind would not consider Soapy”. What did the cop not consider, and why?

Answer: The cop’s mind didn’t consider Soapy because the men who break windows do not stop there to talk to cops. They run away as fast as they can. The cop saw a man further along the street, running and they ran after him.

Question 5. “We have orders to let them shout”. What is the policeman referring to?

Answer: The policeman referring to the orders that allowed college to shout as they

would not hurt anything. He said this to a man standing near him when Soapy shouted as if he was drunk thinking that Soapy is a college boy.

Question 6: Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ against each of the following.

(i) Soapy stole a man’s umbrella. _________
(ii) The owner of the umbrella offered to give it to Soapy. _________
(iii) The man had stolen the umbrella that was now Soapy’s. _________
(iv) Soapy threw away the umbrella.   _________

(i) True (ii) True (iii) True (iv) True.

Question 7. “There was a sudden and wonderful change in his soul”. What brought about the change in Soapy?

Answer: When Soapy came near his old home, he remembered his old days and his childhood life. He saw his worthless days, his wrong desires, his dead hopes, the lost power of his mind. These made sudden and wonderful change in his soul. His heart answered this change in his soul. He would fight to change his life, pull himself up, out of the mud and make a man of himself again.

Discuss the following topics in groups.

Question 1. Suppose no cop came at the end. What would Soapy’s life be like through the winter?

Answer: If no cop came at the end, there would have been significant and positive changes in his life. He would have looked for the man who had offered him a job and able to live a respectable life in the society. The changes brought in his soul may changed his whole life and he might have given up his bad habits as he was determined. The story had a happy ending with Soapy as a respectful man.

Question 2. Retell an episode in the story which is a good example of irony in a situation.

Answer: One of the ironic episodes in the story was when Soapy decided to turn a new leaf on seeing his old home and remembering his childhood days. He decided to fight to change his life. He would pull himself up and make a man of himself again. Right at that moment a cop asked him what he was doing there. He answered that he was not doing anything. The cop did not believe him and Soapy began to argue in his defence. The cop arrested him and he was sentenced to three months of prison on Blackwell’s Island.

When Soapy actually broke rules and took the law in his hands, no one arrested him; but when he had done nothing and had decided to change for the good, he was arrested and sent to the prison. This is the irony of the situation.

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