NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 8 Human Environment Interactions: The tropical and the Subtropical Region

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Geography Chapter 8 Human Environment Interactions: The tropical and the Subtropical Region contains the answers to the exercises given in the NCERT History book. These solutions are easy and accurate that help you to answer the questions asked in the examinations. NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 1 are prepared by our subject experts in very easy language. Practice these solutions regularly to ensure excellent marks in the exams.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Geography Chapter 8

Question 1: Answer the following questions.

(i) Name the continent in which the Amazon Basin is located.

Solution: The Amazon Basin is located in South America.

(ii) What are the crops grown by the people of the Amazon Basin.

Solution: The people of the Amazon basin mainly grow tapioca, pineapple and sweet potato. They also grow cash crops like coffee, maize and cocoa.

(iii) Name the birds that you are likely to find in the rainforests of the Amazon.

Solution: The birds that are likely to be found in the rainforests of Amazon are toucans, humming birds and the birds of paradise, with their brilliantly colored plumage.

(iv) What are the major cities located on the River Ganga?

Solution: Allahabad, Kanpur, Varanasi, Lucknow, Patna and Kolkata are the major cities located on the River Ganga.

(v) Where is the one-horned rhinoceros found?

Solution: The one-horned rhinoceros is found in the Brahmaputra Plain.

Question 2: Tick the correct answer.

(i) Toucans are a type of
(a) birds
(b) animals
(c) crops

Solution: (a) birds

(ii) Manioc is the staple food of
(a) Ganga Basin
(b) Africa
(c) Amazon

Solution: (c) Amazon

(iii) Kolkata is located on the river
(a) Orange
(b) Hooghly
(c) Bhagirathi

Solution: (b) Hooghly

(iv) Deodars and firs are a type of
(a) Coniferous trees
(b) Deciduous trees
(c) shrubs

Solution: (a) Coniferous trees

(v) Bengal tiger is found in
(a) mountains
(b) delta area
(c) Amazon

Solution: (b) delta area

Question 3: Match the following.

(i) Cotton textile(a) Assam
(ii) Maloca(b) Terrace farming
(iii) Piranha(c) Sericulture
(iv) Silk worm(d) Slanting roof
(v) Kaziranga(e) Ganga plain
(f) Varanasi
(g) Fish


(i) Cotton textile(f) Varanasi
(ii) Maloca(d) Slanting roof
(iii) Piranha(g) Fish
(iv) Silk worm(c) Sericulture
(v) Kaziranga(a) Assam

Question 4: Give reasons.

(i) The rainforests are depleting.

Solution: The rainforests are depleting because of the large scale development and industrial activities. Deforestation has increased, because of which the topsoil of land is getting washed away, decreasing the soil fertility. As a result, trees are unable to grow and the rainforests are depleting.

(ii) Paddy is grown in the Ganga-Brahmaputra plains.

Solution: The Ganga−Brahmaputra plains provide flat, fertile land for the cultivation of crops. The amount of rainfall in this region is also quite high, which makes it a suitable place for the growth of paddy – a crop that requires sufficient water.

Extra Questions

Very Short Answer Questions

1. What are tributaries?

Answer: These are small rivers that join the main river. The main river along with all its tributaries that drain an area forms a river basin or the catchment area.

2. Name the largest river basin in the world.

Answer: The Amazon basin is the largest river basin in the world.

3. What is a mouth?

Answer: The place where a river flows into another water body is called the river’s mouth.

4. What are Bromeliads?

Answer: Bromeliads are special plants that store water in their leaves. Animals like frogs use them for laying their eggs.

5. What is population density?

Answer: It means the number of persons living in one square kilometre of a given area.

6. Why are terraces built for farming?

Answer: Terraces are built on steep slopes to create flat surfaces on which crops are grown. The slope is removed so that water does not run off rapidly.

7. Name the important cities of Ganga–Brahmaputra delta.

Answer: The cities of Allahabad, Kanpur, Varanasi, Lucknow, Patna and Kolkata are famous cities of this basin.

Short Answer Questions

1. How was the word Amazon discovered?

Answer: (i) When the Spanish explorers discovered the Amazon river. They was attacked by a group of local tribes wearing headgear and grass skirts.

(ii) These people reminded them of the fierce tribes of women warriors known in the ancient Roman empire as the Amazons. Hence, the name Amazon.

2. Examine topography of the Amazon basin.

Answer: (i) The Amazon basin lies very close to the equator between 10°N and 10°S. Thus, it is called equatorial region.

(ii) The river Amazon flows through this region.

(iii) Numerous tributaries join the Amazon river to form the Amazon basin.

(iv) The river basin drains portions of Brazil, parts of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Columbia and a small part of Venezuela.

3. Examine climate of the Amazon basin.

Answer: (i) The Amazon basin stretches directly on the equator and is characterised by hot and wet climate throughout the year.

(ii) Both days and nights are almost equally hot and humid.

(iii) The skin feels sticky. It rains almost everyday, that too without much warning.

(iv) The day temperatures are high with very high humidity.

(v) At night, the temperature goes down but the humidity remains high.

4. What is slash and burn agriculture?

Answer: Slash and burn is a way of cultivating land where farmers clear a piece of land by slashing or cutting down trees and bushes. These trees and bushes are then burnt, which release the nutrients into the soil. New crops are grown in this cleared patch of land for a few years. Then, it is abandoned. Another patch is cleared. In the mean time, young trees grow in the old field. It restores the fertility of soil.

5. Describe the housing style of Amazon people.

Answer: (i) The Amazon rainforests provide a lot of wood for the houses.

(ii) Some families live in thatched houses, shaped like beehives.

(iii) There are other large apartment like houses called “Maloca” with a steeply slanting roof.

6. Describe the climate of Ganga–Brahmaputra delta.

Answer: (i) The area is dominated by monsoon climate.

(ii) The monsoon brings rains from mid-June to mid-September.

(iii) The summers are hot and the winters are cool.

7. Describe the vegetation of Ganga–Brahmaputra delta.

Answer: (i) The vegetation cover of the area varies according to the type of landforms.

(ii) Tropical deciduous trees grow in the Ganga and Brahmaputra plains along with trees like teak, sal and peepal.

(iii) Apart from these, thick bamboo groves are commonly found in the Brahmaputra plain.

(iv) The delta area is covered with the mangrove forests.

8. How is transport important in this region?

Answer: (i) All the four means of transport are well-developed in the Ganga– Brahmaputra basin.

(ii) In plains, the roadways and railways transport the people from one place to another.

(iii) Waterways is an effective means of transport.

(iv) Kolkata is an important port on river Hooghly.

(v) The plain area has a large number of airports.

Long Answer Questions

1. Describe the flora and fauna in the Amazon rainforests.

Answer: (i) Rains help in growing thick forests. However, rainforests are so thick that they do not allow the sunlight to reach the ground. The ground therefore remains dark and damp. Orchids and bromeliads grow as plant parasites.

(ii) The rainforest is rich in fauna. Birds like toucans, humming birds, bird of paradise with coloured plumage are found.

(iii) Animals and insects like monkeys, sloths, ant-eating tapirs, reptiles, snakes, crocodiles, anaconda and boa constrictors are found here.

(iv) Several species of insects and flesh-eating Piranha fish are also found here.

2. How is life in the rainforests changing?

Answer: (i) Life of the people in Amazon basin is changing gradually.

(ii) In 1970, the Trans Amazon highway made all parts of the rainforest accessible.

(iii) Aircrafts and helicopters are also used for reaching various places.

(iv) The indigenous population was pushed out and forced to settle in new areas where they continued to practice their distinctive way of farming.

(v) The developmental activities are leading to the gradual destruction of the biologically diverse rainforests.

3. Describe the crop pattern of Ganga–Brahmaputra delta.

Answer: (i) The main crop is paddy as sufficient water is available in this region.

(ii) Wheat, maize, sorghum, gram and millets are the other crops that are grown.

(iii) Cash crops like sugarcane and jute are also grown.

(iv) Banana plantations are seen in some areas of the plain. In West Bengal and Assam, tea plantation is also done.

(v) Silk is produced through the cultivation of silkworms in parts of Bihar and Assam.

4. Describe the wildlife of Ganga–Brahmaputra delta.

Answer: (i) There is a variety of wildlife in the basin. Elephants, tigers, deer and monkeys are commonly found animals.

(ii) The one-horned rhinoceros is found in the Brahmaputra plain.

(iii) Bengal tiger, crocodiles and alligator are found in the delta region.

(iii) Aquatic life abounds in the fresh river waters, lakes and the Bay of Bengal. Rohu, catla and hilsa are the fish found here.

(iv) Therefore, fish and rice is the staple diet of the people living in the area.

5. What is Susu? Why is it useful?

Answer: (i) Susu is a variety of dolphin found in the fresh water of rivers Ganga and Brahmaputra.

(ii) This variety is also called the ‘blind dolphin’.

(iii) Its presence in a river is an indication of the health of the river.

(iv) However, dumping of untreated industrial and urban wastes having high amount of chemicals are killing this species in large numbers.

Hots (Higher Order Thinking Skills)

1. Describe the life of people living in the Amazon rainforests.

Answer: (i) People grow food after clearing some trees in the forest. Men hunt and fish along the river, while women take care of the crops.

(ii) Main crops are tapioca, pineapple and sweet potato. Slash and burn cultivation is practiced and the staple food is manioc.

(iii) They eat queen ants and egg sacs. Cash crops like coffee, maize and cocoa are also grown.

2. How is the Ganga–Brahmaputra basin formed?

Answer: (i) The tributaries of rivers Ganga and Brahmaputra together form the Ganga–Brahmaputra basin in the Indian subcontinent.

(ii) The basin lies in the sub-tropical region.

(iii) The tributaries of the river Ganga, like the Ghaghra, Kosi, Chambal, Gandak and the tributaries of Brahmaputra drain it.

(iv) The plains of the Ganga and the Brahmaputra, the mountains and the foothills of the Himalayas and the Sunderbans delta are the main features of this basin.

3. How does the basin have varied topography?

Answer: (i) The Ganga–Brahmaputra basin has a varied topography.

(ii) The mountain areas with steep slopes have inhospitable terrain. So, less population is found here.

(iii) The plain area provides the most suitable land for human habitation.

(iv) The soil is fertile. Agriculture is the main occupation and the density of population in the plains is very high.

Class 7 Geography Chapter 8 NCERT Questions and Answers

CBSE Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Geography Chapter 8 Human Environment Interactions: The tropical and the Subtropical Region are given above. All our solutions are updated as per the latest CBSE Syllabus and Guidelines. Download these NCERT solutions for free from our app and use offline.

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